One to a Hundred Quiz This is a 20 question general knowledge quiz. All the answers are whole numbers from 1-100 inclusive. The quiz will select 20 random questions. 24 votes, 4 avg Numbers 1 to 100 All the answers to this quiz are whole numbers from 1-100 inclusive. 1 / 20 How many stars are on the flag of Australia? Check 2 / 20 How many lines are the on the London Underground train network? Check 3 / 20 How many furlongs are in a mile? Check 4 / 20 How high is the Horseshoe Falls (Niagara) in meters? Check 5 / 20 A litre of water weighs 1kg, how many kgs does the same volume of gold weigh? Check 6 / 20 How old was Donald Trump when he became US President in 2017? Check 7 / 20 How many keys does a standard piano have? Check 8 / 20 What is the total number of dots on a standard dice? Check 9 / 20 A standard FIFA football is given what size designation? Check 10 / 20 How old is Charlie Brown (Peanuts cartoon) when his age was first mentioned in 1950? Check 11 / 20 How many Concorde aircraft entered commercial service? Check 12 / 20 How many lines of symmetry does a regular Pentagon have? Check 13 / 20 After how many games in an ATP tennis match are the balls first changed? Check 14 / 20 How many straight lines are there on a football (soccer) pitch? Check 15 / 20 How many tracks/songs were on the Beatles' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band? Check 16 / 20 How many band members were in the original line-up of ZZ Top? Check 17 / 20 How many piano keys in an octave? Check 18 / 20 How many hearts does an octopus have? Check 19 / 20 How many lines in a Shakespearean sonnet? Check 20 / 20 A Lancaster bomber had how many crew? Check Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte How do you rate this quiz? Send feedback