quiz 1676 – anatomy (QA) print friendly version Click on question to reveal answer 1 What appear when the Sun activates your melanocytes? Moles, Freckles, Wrinkles, Hairs 2 What are the muscles found at the front of your thighs known as? Quadriceps, Triceps, Biceps, Pectorals 3 What are the wrist bones collectively known as? , Tarsals, Carpals, Phalanges 4 What are your gingivae? Fingers, Teeth, Gums, Lips 5 What can't you stop moving if you have athetosis? Eyes, Legs, Fingers and toes, Ears 6 What causes jaundice? Too much blood, Too much hair, Too much bile, Too much sweat 7 What colour are veins? Blue, Translucent, Black, Red 8 What colour is bilirubin, a major ingredient of bile? Blue, Black, Red, Yellow 9 What colour is the fever transmitted by the mosquito? Black, Blue, Yellow, Red 10 What component is shared by hair, nails, and skin? Keratin, Glycogen, Melanin, Blood 11 What condition is caused when the aqueous humour doesn't drain properly? Diabetes, Longsightedness, Blindness, Glaucoma 12 What disease did Los Angeles scientists discover in 1981? AIDS, Ebola, Malaria, Tuberculosis 13 What disease of the human body is often called the White Death? Tuberculosis, Jaundice, Yeelow Fever, Aids 14 What do the lachrymal glands produce? Sweat, Tears, Hairs, Blood 15 What does a bicephalous person have? Three feet, Two brains, Four legs, Six fingers 16 What does a phlebotomist specialise in? Diagnosing illnesses, Drawing blood, Syringing ears, Treating cancer 17 What does a sphygmomanometer measure? Muscle growth, Foot size, Blood pressure, Hair length 18 What does an analeptic drug do? Puts to sleep, Relieves pain, Reinvigorates, Cools down 19 What does necrotising fasciitis attack? Bones, Brain, Skin, Muscles 20 What does necrotizing fasciitis attack? Blood Vessels, , Skin, Intestines